This blog, is about my miniatures and my business. I also want it to be able to express myself and my creative life through this blog. I hope to be able to share with those interested, my process of creating a business and the life I love. Being able to do what one loves and to get paid for it is a common dream. It's not unattainable. It doesn't emerge unless you actively seek it. Not just a great idea in the mind, but actually getting up and out there and forcing your creative self to work at all the aspects.

Making miniature dolls has come about through my role as a mom, namely with my daughter and her first dollhouse. I had to make her some better people to put in there! So, I began sculpting dolls from polymer clay. I have some early photos but they are hidden...okay someday I'll bring them out. I then moved on to porcelain, and through self teaching, I now make one of a kind porcelain dollhouse dolls! The learning process is most definitely continuing and I can see the progress I make through each doll. My goal is realism...wonder...amazement...
I work from home. I have a tiny apartment in the Northwest, near Portland, Oregon. I actually live in Washington but it's seems easiest to point out the big city next to me. I'm a single mom, with my 13 year old son living with me. My 22 year old daughter lives in town as well. I have the sweetest, most amazing boyfriend who shows me what love is really like. My aging parents live about 5 minutes from me, so I can help take care of them. This is my home, the rain forest of the NW. Sun lamps are necessary :) It's a beautiful place, full of inspiration and moisture!
My plaster molds and supplies are at my parent's home, in a tiny shed in the backyard. I pour and fire the dolls there. I bring my tiny kiln home to do my china painting, as it's a long process, requiring 1-2 firings a day over a few days. I design and dress my dolls here, in my apartment. I've collected bits of lace and fancy fabric and baubles over the years, and as you can guess it doesn't take up much room!
After finishing a doll, I set up my photography tent and lights, and photograph the doll. Usually I'll have a background fabric that I pick to showcase the doll in the best light. I will then post to Ebay and/or Etsy with detailed descriptions and prices. I love connecting with my online customers. I deliver dolls all over the world.
Starting over in the middle of life seems to be a common cliche, but I'm happy to be here. I never thought I'd get the opportunity to design my life over, but the chance came right after I turned 40. I tell people, "It's a good thing!" and I honestly mean it. Despite the process being rough, and that's quite the understatement, I'm energized and invigorated by my new opportunities that are presenting themselves on a daily basis. I'm looking forward...ahead.
So with gusto I forge ahead and hopefully I can provide encouragement, inspiration and a bit of color to people's lives! Tune in!
Love ya! ~Lilli